Taste & Talk

If you notice on your client's Health Profile that he or she has indicated what type of work or profession they have, discern which may be in an office type setting.

When that client achieves success, say after 20 - 30 lbs., ask the question: "Have you received any comments from your fellow staff members?". 

"Yes, they want to know how I did it?"

"Do you have a regular lunch time, or information sessions with guest speakers?"


"Who would I contact to ask about doing a Taste and Talk at your office?"

Then send that person something similar to the memo below.

Taste and Talk

As a business owner or as an  Office Manager,would it help your business if we could explain how you could reduce sick days in the work place, and how employee productivity would increase as people become energized?

We will  bring some tasty protein samples to your workplace, and thoroughly explain our "Nutritional Action Plan" that corrects Metabolic Syndrome and encourages optimal health.

We would be most appreciative if you could  introduce us to anyone who would like to consider these benefits for their staff. 

Follow up!!

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