Novi Cleanse


General   Description

NOVI-CLEANSE  is a 23 day program consisting of 3 different products designed to help the liver, the kidneys and the colon to eliminate accumulated toxins in the body.  This program enhances the IDEAL  PROTEIN  DIET because, as we deplete our fat stores, toxins stored in the adipocytes are released.  Occasionally the release of these substances may make us feel tired, 'headachy' or even produce rashes.  Quite possibly the liver may be stressed  because in addition to burning fat and producing ketone bodies, it now has to handle these toxic substances.  In blood work, some people will see certain liver enzymes slightly elevated....again this shows the liver maybe under a mild stress.  This is where NOVI-CLEANSE can help!  If a dieter has a chronic condition such as IBS, Crohn's Disease, hepatitis, etc. and is in a "flare" not start the cleanse.  Novi-Cleanse should be considered at week 6 or later

Novi-Renel – Helps Support normal renal/kidney function
Ingredients include:  Ash-Tree, Bearberry, Birch-tree
Novi-Lax – Used traditionally as a laxative for relief of occasional constipation
Ingredients include: Psyllium, Aloe Vera, Prune (powder)
Novi-Pur – Supports natural toxin elimination from liver and body
Ingredients include: Barberry, Dandelion, Sarsaparilla, Burdock, Chamomile, Cascara Sagrada, Sage, Yellow Dock Ash

DAY 1:    After breakfast take:  1 Novi-Renal Capsule and 1 Teaspoon Novi-Pur 
                     After supper take:   1 Novi-Renal Capsule and 1 Teaspoon Novi-Pur 
                        At bedtime take:   1 Novi-Lax capsule


DAYS  2 - 23:          After Breakfast take:     2 Novi-Renal capsules and 2 Tsps. Novi-Pur
                                      After supper take:     2 Novi-Renal capsules and 2 Tsps. Novi-Pur
                                         At bedtime take:    1 to 3 Novi-Lax capsules*
*  The purpose of the Novi-Lax is to normalize elimination via the bowel.  The goal is to
have a 'soft bowel movement daily'.   Some people will only need one capsule per night
to achieve this, others may require up to 3 or 4 capsules.  Never exceed 4 capsules per night.
This product will not cause dependency on laxatives, but those who have 'sluggish bowels' may want to use this as an ongoing maintenance product once the initial cleanse is completed.  Again, always make certain the client is getting enough water throughout the day, 2 liters is the strict minimum, 3 maybe more appropriate.  Clients should be encouraged to do a yearly or even a bi-yearly cleanse as part of a comprehensive plan of preventative health maintenance.
This product should not be used by women who are pregnant.  Women who are breast-feeding should not use the cleanse system (the whole cleanse that is, the Novi-Lax by itself is fine) unless their pediatrician recommends it.  As with any medication, if an unusual symptom appears, they client should stop the program and report this to the clinic where it will be evaluated.

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