Referral Groups

There are other ways to find new clients.  Join a referral group: google referral groups in your area.
There is usually a fee, but it is, in most cases, a very good investment.
Most groups only allow one type of business to be represented in the group.  So, if they don't have a weight loss company represented, you will enjoy an exclusive position.
Typically, there are 30 - 40members.  
At each meeting (usually an early breakfast) each member gets to do their 45 second elevator speech, so that all members get to know each other's business.
There will be one member featured to do an in depth description of their business or service (20 minutes) at each meeting.
All members are greatly encouraged to bring referrals (to other members) at each meeting.
You now have 30 - 40 sales staff expounding Ideal Protein and your Centre.

If there is not a referral group to your liking, or you can't find one where you would be exclusive, start your own.
Start with a few business owners in your area, and invite them for a joint coffee.  

For a format, please contact me.  I've done this before.


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