Coach/Consultant Potential

Dear Centre Owners:  How to Grow your I P Business

I have a plan for you to increase your number of clients significantly.  It may not be for all Centres, but please read carefully.

I know it works because one of my Centres has already been successful employing this strategy.  In this case, it doubled their number of clients in one month.

This will work for you:

If, you do not totally utilize your current space (that is days or evenings that are not booked for current clients).

If, you know of someone who would like to start an I P business, but does not qualify with current medical license requirements (usually one of your successful clients).

Or if, a successful client has made it known to you that they would be very interested in being a coach.

Ask if a $45.00/hour plus compensation rate would interest them to start.

Then propose to him or her that they could start their own Coach/Consultant business working within your Centre.

Show them the opportunity of starting a business without any initial outlay (no rental lease, no initial product purchase, and no office set up cost).

The only stipulations would be that they take the Level 1 training from me, and that they bring in at least 6 new clients to start their business.

Depending on your current Admin Fee (suggested $250.00), you could layout their compensation as:

For initial one hour consultation with their new clients, they would receive approximately $150.00/hr.

For each subsequent consultation hour, they would receive approximately $50.00/hr.

(This is based on the average of $110.00 in sales per visit per client for a 20 minute visit at 15% of gross sales)

($110 x 15% = $16.50/20 minutes = $49.50/hour).

For each new client they bring in, you would receive the balance of the initial Admin Fee and 35% of gross (50% of gross goes to your cost).

So, right off the bat, you would get for the 6 new clients about $600 Admin Fees and about $920/month in sales, direct to bottom line.

As their business grows, so does yours. 

This is definitely a win - win proposition.  This is a way to assure that your Coaches are invested in your business, not just working for wages.  You would also have access to an extra coach to cover any time off that you may require.

If they are interested, then show them the contract (below) and break it down for them.

Feel free to amend or revise any of this.  I will follow up this with a phone call shortly, to discuss.

Call or email me at any time if you have questions.


Independent Consultant (“Coach”) Agreement
This document represents the understanding between the named consultant “coach” and the 
Weight Loss Clinic (doing business as) 
Address: ______________________________________________________.
1)  The coach will receive Ideal Protein approved training from an Independent Ideal Protein RDC, and from the Clinic Owner or its/his/she designate. The coach agrees to follow the Ideal Protein “Approach” to all clients and as otherwise directed by the clinic. 
2)  Coach will have access to office work space and clinic equipment. 
3)  Coach agrees to provide services as described here in exchange for the following rate & bonus schedule. The clinic owner will pay such fees to the coach from time to time, however not less than once per calendar month. 
4)  Coach receives $_______________ for each new client the coach provides to the clinic who starts the __________________ weight loss program and pays $ ___________________ admin/coaching fees to the clinic as included in the client’s total starter fee of $ ____________. 
The coach earns the rate described above for each client that begins the program as a direct result of the coach’s effort and as a result of the coach’s initial consultation presentation to the client. 
5)  Additional consulting fees: The clinic agrees to pay additional          fees to the coach as follows: 
a.  _____% of the gross profit of all sales of products sold to a client referenced in paragraph 4 above, and from time to time, the same percentage of gross profit for sales of product to every client the clinic may designate and assign to the coach for weekly appointments as designated in the Ideal Protein Approach as implemented by the weight loss clinic Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 only. Lifestyle Living Phase 4 are not included in this contract. Any referrals from said referred shall also be eligible under same agreement. If the Coach prefers to pass the client weekly service to an existing IP Coach the gross profit will be split 50-50 with said Coach.
6) Coach Services: 
Provide an initial consultation presentation of the Ideal Protein Approach and its value to a new prospective client as directed and approved by the clinic owner. 
Provide ongoing weekly follow-up coaching sessions to each client to include no less than timely contact and reply to a client’s request for assistance, support, or questions; and one-on-one support, measurements, weight, body compensation analysis, journal review, and required education. Full service delivery of superior quality in- office coaching sessions are expected to last ________ to ________ minutes per week per client. 
The coach acknowledges by his/her signature below that there are no guarantees of other compensation for coaching the clinic’s clients. However, the clinic may offer client coaching opportunities to the coach for an hourly fee basis and/or the additional consulting fees referred to above in paragraph 5.a. from time to time. 
7. Nothing in this agreement shall preclude the owner from requesting that the coach also perform various other services for an agreed upon fee/ compensation such as food sales and “reception” services to clients other than the coach’s clients as identified and referred to in paragraph 4 above. 
8. The consulting coach is responsible for all their own taxes including GST. 
This document represents the entire understanding of the parties. 
Consultant (“Coach”) Signature___________________________
Printed Name & Address: 

Centre Owner Officer’s Signature
          Date: _________________  
Print Name:___________________________________________

Signature    __________________________________________

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